Health and Wellbeing Coach

Lead a healthier life – start with your overall Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing is a very important factor in everybody's lifestyle, the way you chose to live your life can determine your health outcomes. No matter what health conditions one might have eating a healthier diet, getting plenty of exercise, avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol all contribute to positive health and wellbeing.

Choosing to be more proactive about your health can improve and even reverse some medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes! Living much healthier physically can also improve mental wellbeing too.

Weight Loss

Being overweight can result in an individual being prone to more illnesses and health conditions.

Losing weight is not easy or simple for many people, and it is not a diet which allows weight loss it is in fact a lifestyle change. Calorie control is essential as you need to be burning off more calories than you are consuming. Keeping calories down along with eating more whole foods consuming plenty of water and staying away from processed sugary foods encourage weight loss and a healthier lifestyle in general. Referral options are available for patients who want to make behavioural changes such as a three-month free trial of Weight Watchers and Slimming World and NHS digital weight management.


Sleep has a positive effect on your physical and mental health and this is beneficial for losing weight and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Being informed and educated on how to wind down and relax before sleep is helpful for many individuals. Getting into a sleeping pattern on a daily basis is very much a part of life and this helps people to establish a good routine. The quality of the sleep we get is imperative broken and restless sleep has a negative impact the following day, causing poor concentration and making us unable to work to our full potential. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks should also be avoided late at night and avoiding interactions with electronics and social media help improve sleeping as this too effects the quality of our sleep.


Keeping fit and active is a good way to promote healthier living. General Practitioners or Health and Wellbeing coaches can refer patients to services such as exercise on prescription. This service provides specialist instructors to guide clients towards a healthier and more active lifestyle. Exercise helps people to feel more energised and it also has been shown to improve your mental wellbeing. Around 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity is recommended each week. This can be anything from a gentle walk to a run. Taking part in regular physical activity means you are less likely to develop long term conditions such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol have a negative impact on the body, both can increase a person's chances of getting diseases such as cancer. Alcohol is a chemical which also dehydrates the body and affects the brain negatively. Long term conditions of alcohol misuse include the likelihood of a stroke, depression, and infertility problems. Alcohol poisoning can also occur in extreme cases causing many distressing symptoms. The recommended amount of alcohol to be consumed each week is no more than 14 units per week – this is equivalent to around 6 pints of beer.

Smoking sadly is one of the biggest causes of death still in the UK, this largely affects the lungs and many other organs of the body. Passive smoking has as much as a negative effect on the body as smoking first-hand. This means that not only could you end up seriously ill yourself but others around you could also become ill. You could get help and advice and information about quitting from the Health and Wellbeing Coach.

Mental and Emotional Health

Having good mental and emotional health is just as important as physical health. Health and wellbeing coaches can be a friendly face to listen to your life struggles, help guide you to a better emotional place and direct you to other members of the primary care network who can provide specialist mental health advice and guidance. Hobbies, exercise and breathing exercises can also help to reduce stress and improve mental health.