Enhanced Access
Changes to General Practice Extended Hours & Improved Access
From October 2022 NHS England is introducing a new contract called PCN Standard Hours which will provide nursing appointments on Mondays to Fridays 6.30-8pm and Saturdays 9am-5pm.
All appointments offered will be available to anyone registered with an Eston PCN GP practice (as listed):
- South Grange Medical Centre
- Normanby Medical Centre
- Eston Surgery
- Manor House Surgery
- Cambridge Medical Group
Appointments will be available from one of the surgeries above.
Your opinion on the benefits to you of this service are important. If you wish, you can either send your comments via an e-mail to your registered practice for:
Normanby Medical Centre Stccg.normanbymedicalcentre@nhs.net
South Grange Medical Group Practice Southgrange.medicalcentre@nhs.net
The Manor House Surgery tvccg.manorhousesurgery@nhs.net
Cambridge Medical Group stccg.enquiries.cmg@nhs.net
The Eston Surgery tvccg.estonsurgery@nhs.net
Please send your comments by 26 July or there is a simple survey form to complete at your practice reception which will also be available until 26 July:
More information on the types of appointments etc will follow.
Thank you